Monday 19 January 2015

Well you tried it just the Once (nsfw)

 and found it alright for kicks, and now you finding out that it's a habit that sticks... The opening lines from the Buzzcocks debut single.The front cover which was very controversial and very famous for featuring a nude lady with an ironing board for head and hearts for nipples. A song and piece of design I value very highly as one of the finest pieces of punk graphic design. The collage originally created by Linder Sterling, but designer Malcolm Garrett change it to blue monochrome.

This piece being the influence it was I decided to do a pastiche of it to sharpen up my photo collage skills, something I have not done in a while. So if you are in a place of work or just don't wanna see something that could be considered distasteful don't look below. Only problem is these images is they look very dance orientated instead of my punk pastiche but I still feel that they are funky. The colour choices are available here two different varieties.

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